Maria Farantouri sings Mikis Theodorakis
ΕΜΙ 7PG 3518 / 7PG 3519 / 7PG 3532 (1965)
Three 45 rpm vinyl, each one with two of the Six Songs, which after the fall of the Greek dictatorship, the Mikis Theodorakis renames them as Farantouri Cycle. Soon after their release, they are re-orchestrated and released on LP with The Ballad of Mauthausen.
Music: Mikis Theodorakis
Poetry: Nikos Gatsos, Dimitris Christodoulou, Tassos Leivaditis, Yerassimos Stavrou
Maria Farantouri: voice
Orchestra & Chorus conducted by Mikis Theodorakis
01. Tired of holding your hand
(D. Christodoulou)
02. In the world’s uphill
(Ν. Gatsos)
01. I took the streets of heaven
(Τ. Leivaditis)
02. The shadow fell heavily
(Y. Stavrou)
01. The dream
(N. Gatsos)
02. The pendulum
(Ν. Gatsos)