Beyond the Borders
ECM 2585
From the beginning Maria Farantouri has been working Beyond the Borders as a citizen of the world: Greek perfectly and therefore international. As early as 1977, her repertoire extends beyond Greek borders including compositions by artists from all over the world. Now, a new collaboration with a Turkish composer, after Zülfü Livaneli and Fuat Saka, ends with this CD combining musical traditions of the East with Western music, from the Middle Ages to the modern era, as compiled by composer Cihan Türkoğlu with his sensitivity and knowledge.
Music: Cihan Türkoğlu
Lyrics: Agathi Dimitrouka, Vassiliki Nevrokopli, Maria Thoidou
Maria Farantouri: voice
Cihan Türkoğlu: Saz, Kopuz, Voice
Anja Lechner: violoncello
Meri Vardanyan: qanun
Christos Barbas: ney
İzzet Kizil: percussion
21.06.2019, ECM Official Website, Germany
Beyond the Borders
12.07.2019, Financial Times, UK
Music at the Crossroads | D.Honigman
This is music from the crossroads of Europe, centred on Greece and Turkey but also stretching to Lebanon and Armenia. The Greek diva Maria Farantouri fronts an ensemble directed by the Anatolian saz player Cihan Türkoğlu… Farantouri hymns the power of Eros to end conflict. Farantouri navigates the microtonal warps and wobbles of the melody with aplomb, her voice rich with resonant vibrato.
29.07.2019, Jazz Weekly, UK
Maria Farantouri – Cihan Türkoğlu | Beyond the Borders | G.W. Harris
05.08.2019, Kulturtipp, Germany
Grenzenlose Musik | U. Hangartner
She is the big Lady of the Greek song, Maria Farantouri, representing with her voice the art music and the politically conscious Greece. Limitless music in its best sense, in the spirit of Maria Farantouri…
14.08.2019, Fono Forum, Germany
Maria Farantouri – Cihan Türkoğlu | Beyond the Borders | Sven Thielmann
…verses that cannot be understandable without a deep knowledge of the Greek language. But thanks to Maria Farantouri’s penetrating interpretation, you can feel the poetry of the words…
25.08.2019, Marlbank, Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο
Maria Farantouri, Beyond the Borders, ECM | St.Graham