Songs from Greek Cinema
Greece, Athens, Pallas
Tuesday, 30 January &Thursday, 14 March 2024, 21:00
Songs made for black-and-white shots, songs made for colour shots, many of which acquired their own independent course later, are performed by Maria Farandouri and Yota Nega, on the Pallas stage, accompanied by an eight-member musical ensemble. The two performers sing songs by leading composers and lyricists for cinephiles and non-cinephiles, for spectators of outdoors summer cinemas and indoor winter ones, for lovers of old and new good Greek Cinema. Their voices enliven scenes from unforgettable Greek films that Mikis Theodorakis, Stavros Xarchakos, Mimis Plessas, Eleni Karayndrou, Evanthia Reboutsika and others composed their music.