Silver Alert

Metronomos – 9786185339463 (2020)

Maria Farantouri participates with three songs in this album of poetry by Dimitris Lentzos, from his collection Matutinal Statues, set to music by Chryssa Kottaki. Among them is the title song, Silver Alert: a modern song of protest, an alarm for young people lost in the streets of Athens and big cities, unknown among strangers, without anyone looking for them – except their mother.

The CD is released in an elegant book version.

Demetris Lendzos | poetry
Chryssa Kottaki | music

Maria Farantouri, Martha Frindzila, Chryssa Kottaki, Pandelis Theocharidis, Sophia Manoussaki | singing

Pandelis Ndzialas | arrangements, guitars, bendir, piano, bass, programming
Pavlos Berberidis | mandolin
Alexandros Kassartzis | violoncello

01. Silver Alert – M. Farantouri
02. Paintings – M. Frindzila
03. On the rock – Chr. Kottaki
04. One more day – P. Theocharidis
05. White shirt – Chr. Kostaki
06. Photography – M. Farantouri
07. Arm in arm – S. Manousaki
08. It’s snowing – Chr. Kottaki
09. Double-cut moon – M. Farantouri
10. Law on flowers – Chr. Kottaki