The Songs we Loved

Greece, Attica, Petroupolis, Theatre of Petra

Monday, 9 September 2024, 21:00

Maria Farantouri and Manolis Mitsias in a festive concert before the autumn comes before the summer leaves – according to the poetic words of Nikos Gatsos. The two acclaimed performers, who collaborated with all the great composers and sang the word of the great poets and lyricists, join their voices and invite us to this concert with songs we all loved, with songs that accompanied us in our joys, struggles and loves.

Maria Farantouri | singing
Manolis Mitsias | singing
Fotini Velessiotou | singing

Achilleas Guastor | piano, arrangements
Hercules Zakkas | bouzouki, mandolin
David Lynch | saxophone, flute
Michalis Porphyris | violoncello
Petros Varthakouris | contrabass
Spyros Panagiotopoulos | drums

Dimitris Bourboulis | Sound