
SUBWAYS (2009)

Para-phrases are the music Vangelis Katsoulis composed for the film Dancing on Ice by Stavros Ioannou. Later, when this music was to be released, the composer recorded some extra tracks as freer depictions of the climate of the movie. The song Beyond the Bounds interpreted by Maria Farantouri is the title song of this film.

Music | Vangelis Katsoulis
Lyrics | Sotiris Kakissis

01. Contemplation
02. Retrograde
03. Ride in Blue
04. How I feel
05. Only Ice and Snow
06. First Variation
07. Foreboding
08. Cryptic Sounds
09. Back to the Same Mood
10. Sleepless Night
11. Seriously
12. Second Variation
13. Quiet
14. Just Thoughts
15. Far Away
16. How Can I Know?
17. Heading South
18. Alone
19. Third Variation
20. Beyond the Bounds



From acid jazz to deep house and passages of funky vibes this album gives a new look at a historical, by now, music material. Based in Hamburg Francesco Diaz, leading figure of the Ibiza Sound, as the sound developed in the Balearics by a group of DJs is called, leans on the work of Theodorakis and transforms well-known songs and motifs into a sonic universe beyond time and place.

Music | Mikis Theodorakis & Francesco Diaz
Poetry | Yannis Theodorakis, Manos Eleftheriou, Dimitris Christodoulou, Nikos Gatsos, Ina Kutulas

01. Remembering Zorba
02. Beautiful City (Drip & Drop) – Kalliope Vetta
(Y. Theodorakis)
03. New Days (Sinking Soul)
04. On the Road
05. Lakis on the Beach (The Acid Jazz Tribute) – Lakis Karnezis
06. The Funky Train Leaves at Eight (From Athens to Ibiza) – Petros Pandes
(Μ. Eleftheriou)
07. Jazzy Bouzouki – L.Karnezis
08. Desire (Chilling Chambers) – Κ. Vetta
(D. Christodoulou)
09. Honeymoon Song – Karl Frieson
(Ν. Gatsos)
10. Lost in Phaedra – Μ. Theodorakis
(Y. Theodorakis)
11. Farewell – Μ. Farantouri
(Ina Kutulas)
12. Mikis’s Dream

Ay Amor

Babinis Productions 5206688014925 (2013)

A cycle of songs by Dimitris Maramis, based on Spanish poetry, with soprano Lina Orfanou. Maria Farantouri participates in the album performing a poem by F.G. Lorca -adapted in Greek by Sotiris Trivizas- while Lina Orfanou sings a stanza in Spanish.

Music | Dimitris Maramis
Poetry | Federico García Lorca, Pablo Neruda, Rubén Darío, Darío Jaramillo Agudelo

Maria Farantouri | singing
Lina Orfanos | singing
Dimitris Maramis | piano, arrangements, direction
Heracles Vavatsikas | bandoneon
Herman Romero | guitar
Spyros Exaras | guitar
Laertis Kokolanis | violin
Alexandros Botinis | cello
Thodoris Zefkilis | bass
Zaharias Tarpagos | flute
Haris Paraskevas | percussion

01. Prelude
02. Adelina De Paseo
03. Algun Dia
04. La Rosa
05. El Amor
06. Amo, Amas
(R. Darío)
07. Lament
08. Mi Nina Se Fue A La Mar
09. El Nino Mudo
10. La Noche (Cantos Nuevos) – M.Farantouri/L.Orfanos
11. El Tango Desesperado
(Theo Ev)
12. Adelina De Paseo

The Musical Voyages of Marco Polo

WVF 479092 (2014)

What would we listen to today if Marco Polo had a recording system with him while travelling? And how would he use this sound had he been himself a composer? Kyriakos Kalaitzidis asks the questions and at the same time gives the answers, on the one hand composing music himself and on the other hand collecting musicians and traditional music along the ancient Silk Road that Marco Polo crossed from Venice to China. This is how he ends up in this versatile music album with classical Chinese music, Uzbek songs, Indian traditions, scholar Persian music, Byzantine melos, medieval music from Venice. On the way he meets Maria Farantouri, who sings his song The Stranger set to lyrics by Vasiliki Nevrokopli.

Maria Farantouri | singing
Kiya Tabassian | setar, singing
Ziya Tabassian | tombak, daf
Marco Rosa Salva | flute with beak
Pierre-Yves Martel | viola da gamba
Amartuvshin Baasandorj | singing, tobshuur
Sara Mancuso | clavicytherium
Nodira Pirmatova | singing
Lingling Yu | pipa
Dhruba Ghosh | sarangi

En Chordais
Kyriakos Petras | Violin
Kyriakos Kalaitzidis | oud, singing
Drossos Koutsokostas | singing
Petros Papageorgiou | toumpeleki, daouli, bendir
Alkis Zopoglou | qanun

01. Marco’s Dream
02. Gallop
03. Lamento di Tristano
(Italian Anonymous, 14th cent.)
04. The Golden Sheaf of Time
(K.Kalaitzidis – V.Nevrokopli)
05. Jeopardy
06. Migrants Circles
(Κ.Tabassian – Hâfez)
07. In Xanadu
08. Ey Dilbari Jononim
(Uzbek Traditional)
09. Five Steps
10. Chandmani Nutag
(Amartuvshin Baasandorj)
11. Yi Zu Wu Qu
(Huiran Wang)
12. The Stranger
(K.Kalaitzidis – V.Nevrokopli)
13. Holy Oil
14. The Musical Voyages of Marco Polo

Red Thread (Drawing Jotter)

Aegokeros (2014)

A work by Michalis Gregoriou in nine parts, shared to instruments and two voices: three instrumental pieces (01, 04, 07) and six poems by Kostas Kartelias interpreted by Maria Farantouri (02, 06, 09) and Doros Demosthenous (03, 05, 08).

Music | Michalis Gregoriou
Poetry | Kostas Kartelias

01. Dance of Circe
02. To Music – M.Farantouri
03. Leaving – D.Demosthenous
04. Outis
05. On the Wave – D.Demosthenous
06. The Night – M.Farantouri
07. Dance of Hades
08. The Time – D.Demosthenous
09. Red Thread – M.Farantouri

Small Suitcase

Cobalt Music (2014)

With a cover designed by Andis Ioannidis, (father of the songwriter), Mikri Valitsa (Small Suitcase) features samples of Alkinoos Ioannidis’ musical creativity and influences, including the song Hadzithakiás: a poem by Nikos Gatsos about Manos Hadzithakis, set to music by Alkinoos Ioannidis and interpreted by him and Maria Farantouri.

Music: Alkinoos Ioannidis
Lyrics: Alkinoos Ioannidis, Nikos Gatsos (8), Antis Ioannidis (9)

01. There will always be dawn
02. The glutted man
03. Political positioning
04. Where do so many birds die – Natalia Labadaki
05. A handful of land
06. The beauty of the village
07. Separation
08. Hadzithakiás – Maria Farantouri
09. My mother at Easter
10. What are you waiting for
11. Small suitcase
12. The Steersman – Socrates Malamas
13. The day that will come

The Great Vigil

COLUMBIA 70159 (1975)

The first album of Eleni Karaindrou and the only one with a cycle of songs, set to poetry by Costas Georgoussopoulos (K.X.Myris). The orchestra was recorded in Greece during the dictatorship and then secretly sent to London, where Maria Farantouri lives at that time, to add her voice. The cover is an Adolescent by painter Yannis Tsarouchis, specially made for this album.

Music: Eleni Karaindrou
Poetry: K.X.Myris

01. The Greek children
02. The revelation
03. The “Hail”
04. The nonprofit shipping line
05. Listen
06. The Greeks once upon a time
07. Do not wake her up
08. Koutris
09. Those who are vigilant
10. Anti-lullaby

Other Publications
EMI 701592 (1993)

Songs by Mikis Theodorakis

МЕΛΟΔИЯ 018847-8 (1966)

In 1966, Mikis Theodorakis and his band give a series of concerts in the Soviet Union: Moscow, Leningrad, Riga, Tashkent, Tbilisi are some of the cities. The same year, the Soviet record company Melodia releaseσ this vinyl, recorded in Moscow, as a tribute to Mikis Theodorakis and Maria Farantouri.

Music: Mikis Theodorakis
Poetry: Iakovos Kampanellis, Nikos Gatsos, George Seferis, Giannis Ritsos

The Ballad of Mauthausen by Iakovos Kambanells
01. Song of Songs
02. Antonis
03. The Fugitive
04. When the war is over

Two songs by Nikos Gatsos
05. Rosewater
06. Myrtle tree

Epiphany by Yorgos Seferis
07. Denial
08. I kept a hold of my life
09. Flowers of stone
10. Inside the sea caves

Epitaph by Yannis Ritsos
11. A Day in May
12. You set my star
13. You were kind, you were sweet
14. You were standing by the window

The Ballad of Mauthausen & Six Songs

COLUMBIA 70204 (1966)

The four poems of The Ballad of Mauthausen are based on Iakovos Kampanellis’ experiences as a political prisoner in the Nazi concentration camp – all described with details in his book Mauthausen. The work is not only a condemnation of the violence and insanity of war, but also a hymn to love which can flourish even in a nightmarish environment and keep alive the hope of life.

The Six Songs, after the fall of the Greek junta, Theodorakis renames them as Farantouri Cycle honouring Maria Farantouri.

Music: Mikis Theodorakis
Poetry: Iakovos Kampanellis, Dimitris Christodoulou, Yerassimos Stavrou, Tassos Livaditis, Nikos Gatsos

The Ballad of Mauthausen by Iakovos Kambanellis
01. Song of Songs
02. Antonis
03. The Fugitive
04. When the war is over

Six songs – Farantouri Cycle
05. I’m tired of holding you
(Dimitris Christodoulou)
06. The shadow fell heavily
(Gerasimos Stavrou)
07. I took the streets of heaven
(Tassos Livaditis)
08. In the world’s uphill
(Nikos Gatsos)
09. The pendulum
(Nikos Gatsos)
10. The dream
(Nikos Gatsos)

Other Release
EMI 702042 (1990)

Maria Farantouri sings Mikis Theodorakis

ΕΜΙ 7PG 3518 / 7PG 3519 / 7PG 3532 (1965)

Three 45 rpm vinyl, each one with two of the Six Songs, which after the fall of the Greek dictatorship, the Mikis Theodorakis renames them as Farantouri Cycle. Soon after their release, they are re-orchestrated and released on LP with The Ballad of Mauthausen.

Music: Mikis Theodorakis
Poetry: Nikos Gatsos, Dimitris Christodoulou, Tassos Leivaditis, Yerassimos Stavrou

Maria Farantouri: voice
Orchestra & Chorus conducted by Mikis Theodorakis

01. Tired of holding your hand
(D. Christodoulou)
02. In the world’s uphill
(Ν. Gatsos)

01. I took the streets of heaven
(Τ. Leivaditis)
02. The shadow fell heavily
(Y. Stavrou)

01. The dream
(N. Gatsos)
02. The pendulum
(Ν. Gatsos)